Camel Milk

  •  EXCELLENT SOURCE – Of Calcium & Vitamin B1. Good Source of Protein, Potassium & Fats. High levels of Lactoferrin & Immunoglobulins. All-Natural, non-homogenized.
  •  IT’S NATURAL – Non-homogenized fresh taste is preserved with an exceptional flavor. The special taste comes from the sweet grasses covering our farms.
  •  NOMADS & BEDOUINS – Still rely on camel’s milk nutritional and medicinal properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate.


Organic camel-milk-powder from kazakhland USA

100% Pure & Natural,No preservatives,No added sugar,Additive-free,Freeze-dried.

fats – about 1 and up to 25%;
proteins – 36 and 26%;
moisture – 5 and 4%.
The following vitamins are present in 100 g of milk powder:

A – 0.0033 mg, is responsible for the normal functioning of the eyes and renewal of the skin.
B1 (thiamine) – 0.047 mg, required for the process of carbohydrate metabolism, relieves tension in the nervous system, reduces tissue swelling.
B2 (riboflavin) – 2.2 mg, promotes healing of damaged tissues, ensures the normal functioning of the visual system.
B4 (choline) – 23.5 mg, has a calming effect on the body, is involved in the metabolism of fats.
D – 0.56 mg, promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, is indispensable for the formation of bones and teeth.
PP (nicotinic acid) – 5.1 mg, supports normal metabolism, is responsible for saturating tissues with oxygen.
E (tocopherol) – 3.32 mg, one of the most powerful antioxidants.
C (ascorbic acid) – up to 4 mg, has an antiviral effect, strengthens the body’s defenses.
B12 – 0.42 mg, participates in the formation of blood cells, normalizes brain function.
B9 (folic acid) – 5 mcg, tidies up the nerves, improves reproductive function in women.
All essential amino acids can be found in milk powder. The mineral composition is also rich: most of all contains calcium (up to 1000 mg), a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus.

Product Properties:Organic camel-milk-powder from kazakhland USA

The pure camel milk contains insulin-like factor and immunoglobulin, small molecules of camel milk, easy to digest, easy to absorb, supplement a variety of nutrients, active immunoglobulin to give stronger protection. One liter of camel milk contains 52 units of insulin-like factor.Organic camel milk powder from kazakhland USA


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